Show off DLL with Pride this offseason!, News (Dundas Little League)

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Oct 15, 2023 | Caroline | 2932 views
Show off DLL with Pride this offseason!
Help support our organization and grab some swag for the upcoming season!

Check out our own virtual store for purchases of Dundas Little League swag!

Show off your true Dundas colours and head to our online shop by clicking here:

The items can be found at the Team Headquarters' website, or THQ. It is a local shop on the Hamilton Mountain (off Upper Ottawa) that offers shipping or customer pickup. 

We have a few options on there including hats, toques, shirts, and bags.

With every purchase, DLL will get a portion of the sale which will help us raise money that will go towards improvements and maintenance at the parks, as well as services we are able to offer. All of which will improve everyone's baseball experience!
