2025 Dundas Little League Registration
For the 2025 season, that runs from May to September, fees for registration will be the following:
Division |
LITTLE TIGERS (4 years old)
$120 NEW!!! |
T-BALL (age 5-6)
2024 Rates in effect until March 1st |
COACH PITCH (age 7-8)
2024 Rates in effect until March 1st |
MINOR (age 9-10)
2024 Rates in effect until March 1st |
MAJOR (age 11-12)
2024 Rates in effect until March 1st |
Please check the age chart below to determine which division to register in. Do not register in a different division, as the form will not allow you based on the birth date.
We will not consider parent requests for their child to play above/below their age level, per the Age Chart set by Little League International. Instead, we will be evaluating each player, using the same standards, during our player evaluations in the early spring. We will have a predetermined number of spots for players to advance to the higher age division. Players that exhibit advanced skills that the League feels would benefit from playing in a higher division will be invited to do so (at which point it is up to the family to decide what division they would like to play in). For players where safety is an issue and the Evaluation Committee believes their needs would be better served playing above or below their age division, parents will be informed following Evaluations.
We understand that some families feel strongly about their child "playing up" in order to play with some of the kids that are in their grade at school. Dundas Little League has chosen to limit the number of players that "play up" for the following reasons:
1) Children with later birthdays (Sept - Dec) are able to play with a full one third of their peers as any child born Sept-Dec in their grade will be playing alongside them.
2) In order to preserve the quality and integrity of play in each division, we believe it is essential to form teams where the older/stronger players are part of team formation at every level.
3) Older players on each team are in a unique position to develop leadership skills as they play with their younger peers, we believe this is a vital opportunity that Little League offers.
4) For players who wish to play ball at a higher level than their age-appropriate house-league division, we have a robust and exciting All-Star program which each and every player is encouraged to try out for.
5) Safety is of primary concern to Dundas Little League. Where safety is an issue and the Evaluation Committee believes that player needs would be better served playing above or below their age division, parents will be informed following Evaluations.